Sunday 24 March 2013


   Iraq invasion begun in late 2003. The  invasion was unilaterally done by the United States of America which was  backed by the British prime  Minister Tony Blair. He was a staunch supporter of President George W. Bush. This invasion was globally condemned by the United Nations and other countries. The war lasted for more than five months and afterwards the then President of Iraq Saddam Hussein was captured! Then he was put into trial in his country and later condemned and handed death penalty in which he was hanged!
 Iraqi war was seen by many outsiders as a way of "Imperialism and intimidation" of the United States of America. Many outsiders from other countries said that President George W. Bush and Prime minister Tony Blair should face the International Criminal Court for war crimes. 
    Let us take a look at the ARAB SPRING which toppled many Arab leaders like Ben Ali of Tunisia , Mohammar Ghaddafi of Libya and others which was similar to this Iraqi war. 
  The United States of America could have sent their commandos to Iraq to toppled Saddam Hussein than allowing multitudes of innocents souls to perish because of one man. This Iraqi war was dubbed "The Big Oil Game " by many presidents like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela,Amadinejinenad of Iran,Moammar Ghaddafi of Libya and others. This  caused Haliburton to be deeply involved in Oil fracking in Iraq war aftermath! May be that was why those presidents dubbed it the "The Big Oil Game''. Only God can jugde mankind.